About Us
Who we are
We all have our own journey and for each of us the path will be a bit different. Because of that, we will each require different items in our backpack as we travel.
There are many ways to know God, and since we are each an individual expression of God, it makes sense that our personal understandings will be varied and unique.
Divinaturism has evolved since it's first incarnation in 2010. Sometimes less is better. Less 'beliefs', less 'tenets'. The core aspect of Divinaturism are these four things:
1 ) ‘The Divine’ exists within the natural world, and is also beyond the natural world. (panentheism)
2 )The term ‘Divinus’ in Divinaturism refers to the animating flow of The One in the Natural World. Sometimes thought of as the Great Spirit or many other names.
3 ) The term ‘Natura or Natura Mater’ in Divinaturism refers to the natural world, the receptive vessel that manifests the Divine so that it is tangible. Often thought of as Mother Earth, or many other names.
4 ) The Divine is Transcendent, but becomes Immanent by the flowing of the itself into the Natural world. The combination of the two, union of the Inner and Outer.
Alongside this connection with the Divine in the Natural world (Divinaturism) we know that there are many truths in different paths. Stories and traditions we are drawn to. Various ways of celebrating and honouring life. In this way we are Universalists.
You may have a connection and love for God as understood in Abrahamic faith, or you may be non-denominational, a wanderer who sheds labels. Perhaps you are a Nature Path follower who hears God/Spirit call to you in the wind on the trees and in the trickle of the stream. Perhaps there are many deities that you have a connection with.
How you develop your relationship with the Divine is your own special and remarkable journey.
There are variants in all of mainstream traditions that allows for beautiful religious expression, and there are nature paths that do the same but with Earth as central teacher. Depending on the individual they may find it useful to draw upon variants of existing methods of celebration. Likewise they may prefer to use a method entirely their own.
We might look at the writings of the Hebrew Bible, or in the Sefer Yetzirah, perhaps writings that best examine Jesus as the Radical Teacher, not limited to the canonical Gospels. We look at writings found in the Nag Hammadi and find inspiration in Tao te Ching, Upanishads, ancient Greek poetry and much more. There are so many sources of literary enjoyment, as well as just personal experience via dance, or prayer, meditation.
Although we might have suggestions to offer as methods of strengthening your relationship with Spirit, ultimately the SLDF does not make those choices for you.
Our Staff is our myriad of beautiful sacred writings.
Our Lantern is the wisdom with which we understand
Our Divinaturist Path is a way that we can discover and deepen our relationship with the Divine.
Our Fellowship is the connection we have with others who are trying to find their way home.